Bez Rohita Sharmy w walce o trofeum Border-Gavaskar? Skipper może opuścić dwa testy

Wydaje się, że kapitan Rohit Sharma poinformował BCCI o swojej rzekomej nieobecności na dwóch testach w ramach Pucharu Granicy-Gavaskar, co mogłoby być poważnym ciosem dla Team India. Indyjska drużyna weźmie udział w pięciomeczowej serii testowej w Australii, która rozpocznie się 22 listopada w Perth. „Nie ma żadnego kompletnego […]

In what could be a major blow to Team India, skipper Rohit Sharma seems to have communicated to the BCCI, over his alleged non-availability for the two Tests in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy. The Indian team is set to compete in a five-match Test series in Australia, from November 22 in Perth.

“There isn’t any complete clarity about the situation. It is understood that Rohit has intimated to the BCCI that there is a possibility that due to a pressing personal matter, he might have to skip one of the two Tests at the beginning of the series,” a BCCI source told PTI on conditions of anonymity.

“In case, the personal issue is sorted before the start of the series, he might play all five Tests. We will get to know more in coming days,” he said.

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No Rohit Sharma for Border-Gavaskar Trophy? Skipper could miss two Tests

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